Cachaça is the most important ingredient in Caipirinhas but their is a great ongoing debate about which brand is the best. My favorite is Cachaça Salinas from the state of Minas Gerais. This brand is difficult to come by in the Unites States, however, so for this drink I had to settle for Cachaça 51 . If you want to learn more about cachaça, check out Cachacagora a comprehensive blog about this spirit.
1/2 lime
1 shot of cachaça
1 heaping tbsp sugar
crushed ice
- Chop a half of a lime into medium sized pieces and put them into a tumbler glass.
- Using a wooden spoon, crush the lime pieces against the side and bottom of the glass.
- Pour a shot of cachaça into the glass.
- Pour a heaping table spoon of sugar into the glass and stir.
- Add enough crushed ice to fill the glass to 3/4 of the way to the top of the glass.
- Stir and serve.

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